In Malarial Fever (Plasmodium Vivax, Falciparum Malaria) Krumighna Jvar (In modern science Malaria, Fileria, Dengue fever) In Ayurveda Krumighna Jvar is described under Agantuk Vyadhi in jvaradhyaya in that time the host treatment is used to cure Jvar as on acute condition for that purpose Ampachan and Dhatuposhan principle is used. There is a no microbiological development in that time Presently the causative organism of fever and other infective diseases is to be found in laboratory but in Ayurveda TAB KIRTIMALINI 250 MG 2 B.D. after meal gives better results in Malaria clinically proved after 22 years experienced practice in Jvar Chikitsa

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