Enhance Immune system & increases Vigor and Vitality
Hypoprotinemia, Calcium & Vit-D3 deficiency
Godambi(semicarpus anacardium )
Rich source of vit D3
Ashwagandha(withania somnifera)
Natural source of proteins
Durva(cynodon dactylon )
Vidarikand(ipomoea digitata)
contents beta-sitesterol Is natural source of steroid and High protein and Amino acid thus improve intellect
Brahmi (Bacopa monieria)
Brahmin - Herpestine (Back side A& B) Increases learning performances by stimulating nerve synapses by neuro chermical stimulation
Babbul Niryas(Acacia arabica) rich source of Ca,Zn Fe,Mg
Witarex granules fulfill adequecy of micro neutrients, Protein, Fat, Vitamin and Minerals
Promot growth and physical development (Rich source of Protein)
Stregthen Immunity
Support brain development (Brahmi)
Source of energy and for mental alertness (Omega fatty acid)
Strong and healthy bones (Calcium)
Stay mentaly sharp and physically active (Fe, Vit. B12)
Buid immunity and develop body resistance (Vit. A, E, C, Zinc)
INDICATION Proteins,calcium ,Vit D3 Deficiency
Dose(Method of Prepration) 5 gms in hot Milk/Water dissolve properly to make homogenous liquid after normal temprature ready to onsume two times in a day
To get intellutual results give minimum six months afterwards
. Witarex Granules /
Witarex Granules /
Asthi Dhatu, Poshak, Brahaniya Domestic (Ihs)557221 -
Vidari (Vidarikanda) [Ipomoea Digitata] Rt. Tr. B.P. - P.N.177/170 (In
House) (5 Gm)
- Ashwagandha (Withania Somnifera ) Rt (15
- Bhallatak Majja ( Godambi) (Semecarpus Anacardium) Fr.,Sd. (InHouse) (2.5 Gm)
- Brahmi Baccopa Monneri Ext (1.5 Gm)
- Babbul Niryas Niryas ( Acacia Arabica) (9.5Gm)
- Sita ( Sugar ) Qs (Qs Qs)
- Bhavana Of Durva Swaras( Cynadon Dactylon)Whole Plant (Bhavana Qs)