TAB Glymnema 60 TAB Diabetes mellitus : Complementary approach for Glycemic control Diabetes mellitus is group of metabolic disorder characterised by defective metabolism of glucose and lipids

TAB Glymnema-Indication/Uses:- Complementary approach for Glycemic control Diabetes mellitus is group of metabolic disorder characterised by defective metabolism of glucose and lipids
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₹345 /60 TAB

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Prahmeha, Madhumeha Domestic (Ihs)558016

- Gudmar (Gymnema Syivestre R.Br.)  (20 Mg)

- Kadamba Patra Swarasa -Lf Ext-( AnthocehalusCadamba)  (20 Mg)

- Gulvel St- Tinospora Cordifolia)  (20 Mg)

- Shuddh Shilajet  (30 Mg)

- Chitrakmool (Plumbago Zeylanicum)  (20 Mg)

- Kalmegh -St-Andrographis Paniculata [Kalmegh]  (20Mg)

- .Punarnava (Borhevia Dillusa)  (20 Mg)

- Methibeej Sd -Trigonella Foenumgraceum )(20 Mg)

- Gorakshchinch -Fr-( Adansonia Digidata)  (20Mg)

- Dorli (Solanuminidicum) Whole Plant-Ref. Book And Page No :Bhavprakash Nighantu - 155  (20 Mg)

- Jaharmohra Pisti  (20 Mg)

- Bhavana Drvya Qs For Durva  (Qs Qs)

- Bhavan Drvya Qs For Biva Patra( Aegle Mermelous)

Lf Extract  (Qs Bhavana & Mardana Qs)




Propritary medicine presently : all human beings are in  certain stressfull conditions to educate and 
work it . secondely having lack of exercise and taking food is processed preserved and including 
hyperlipidemia diabetis  mellitus , digestive problems , CVD (cardiovascular diseases), skin and hair 
problems neuropsychosomatic disorders in adult stage 
Truly “Youth is the wealth of nation but India is the hub of diabetes mellitus “ so we can expiriencely 
 develop the best ayurvedic medicines to that .
Classified as follows A.Diabetes mellitus and Hyperlipidemia 

Indication/Uses:-   Complementary approach for Glycemic control 
Diabetes mellitus is group of metabolic disorder characterised by defective metabolism  
of glucose and lipids 
Gudmar (Glymnema sylvester)
Glymnemic acid and gymarin acid 
Delays the glucose absorption in blood which is because of similar molecular structure 
with Glucose due to which it fill receptor location in the absorptive external layers of  intestinal cells
which results low BSL (PP) 
(Beta-Langerhans) Enhance production of Insulin.
Improve glucose uptakes in cells and prevents adrenaline from stimulating from liver to  
produce glucose i. e. Gluconeuogenesis
Increases the utilization of glucose by insulin dependent pathways.
Gorakshchinch (Adansonia digitata)
Extract possesses insulin like effect on pheripheral tissue either by
Promoting glucose uptakes or
Inhibiting hepatic Gluconeogensis (ref- internal journal applied research natural product)
Methibeej (Trigonella foenumgracum)
Helps lowering serum cholesterol and triglycerides.
Kadam swaras :- Diabetic wound healing
Gulvel (Tinospora cordifolia)
Bilva patra (Aegle mermelous)
Chitrak (Plumbago zyelinica)
Kalmegh (Andrographis paniculata)
Punarnava (Boerhavia diffusa)
Dorli (Solanum indicum)
Jaharmohara pishti
Reduces the risk of micro and macro (atherosclerosis) vascular complication
Reduces the dose of insulin and OHA's (Oral Hypoglycemic Agents)
PACKING60 Tab 250 mg
MRPRs. 345/-
Dose2 tab B.D.
AnupanKoshn Jal

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